龍年即將到來, 米國總統歐巴馬特地錄一段短片向大家拜年, 祝大家龍年快樂, 龍騰虎躍, 生龍活虎, 生意興龍, ......
歐巴馬當然不懂這些吉祥話, 到底他講什麼? 影片有英文字幕
有人以為因為歐巴馬要競選連任, 所以才跟華人拜年. 其實每年都有, 只是大家沒注意而已.
下面這是2010年(虎年)的, 也有英文字幕, 如果字幕沒自動顯示, 按一下影片下面的"CC", 字幕就會出來.
I send my best wishes to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and all who celebrate the Lunar New Year across the United States and around the world.
As people of all cultures and faiths welcome in the new year, let all of us celebrate our families and our ancestors, and enjoy the company of our loved ones. Across America, in large cities and in small towns, many will mark this occasion with festive celebrations. Many Americans of Asian descent will carry on the rich traditions of their heritage, reminding us again that America’s strength comes from the richness of our cultures and the diversity of our people.
I wish all who celebrate the new year peace, prosperity and good health.
"I send my warmest wishes to people across Asia, in America, and indeed around the world who are celebrating the Lunar New Year and welcoming the Year of the Ox. As they gather with their families and celebrate over meals, they welcome new beginnings and honor the enduring wisdom of their ancestors.
"From the lion dances in San Francisco to festivals in Atlanta and parades in New York City and Washington, D.C., Americans of Asian descent carry on the vibrant traditions of their forefathers and enrich America's cultural diversity. I wish all those celebrating the New Year to be blessed with peace, prosperity, and good health."
- Jan 21 Sat 2012 11:47